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  • 2 Mar 2018
  • 12:30 - 16:30
  • Sasha's 2nd Floor


  • One use only for guest speaker when free

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Artificial Intelligence in China

A hot topic at the moment or more a case of the media having a slow news day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been around for a while and applications of AI can be seen all around us. The increased pace, sophistication and diversity of application is what should be the news. 

Artificial Intelligence has been called "the new electricity" by ex-Baidu scientist Andrew Ng. It's also been called an "existential threat" by Tesla's Elon Musk. The reality is (probably) somewhere in-between. This talk will give a broad overview over just what, exactly, is AI. It will also provide background on why AI is a hot topic right now, look at how recent major investments in AI give clues as to where it's headed, and provide channels for future inquiry into this re-emerging tech space.

Speaker: Roald Thomas Munoz 孟罗德 

Roald Munoz is a Senior Research Analyst with Guotai Junan Securities, a top Shanghai-based Chinese investment bank. His current research focus is on future applications of AI and machine learning, as well as cross-border VC trends. Prior to joining GTJA in 2016, he completed an International MBA at Shanghai Jiaotong University's Antai College of Economics and Management. His thesis topic was testing the efficient market hypothesis of US-listed Chinese companies. Roald is also an active member of the Shanghai FinTech Community, where he serves as a Community Partner for FinTech Connector through organizing events and networking for fintech innovators and enablers. Before moving to China, Roald was a Korean Intelligence Analyst with the US Air Force, where he began to develop a deep interest in Asian economics, politics, and culture. Living in Shanghai has continued to challenge and cultivate this passion into several key areas:

  • Emerging Technology in China & South East Asia 
  • Cross-border VC Trends 
  • Shanghai Startup Ecosystem
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